As we draw to a close this month of an entire year of What I Wore Wednesday, I thought it might be fun to share with you a few of my faves in the series.  Ok – so the truth is I did not really get any pictures taken this week. But, flashbacks are fun, right?


Love this week because it really reflects who I am.  I love black.  I shop at wholesale food clubs and buy clothes there. Yes – I am a fashionista people.


Back in May I wrote about the lessons I’ve learned while snapping photos of  What I Wore.  Deep thoughts here friends. Because my friend Nester found it amusing and posted it in her Nest Files, it continues to get traffic. Like a ton of it.  I am so honored because she wears extra cool stuff and she loves Rock-a-holic hair spray.  (I may or may not have stalked her at Relevant. I will never tell).

Being 40:

You know, you just have to embrace it. And buy white jeans. The trick is staying away from the children when you do.


So what did you wear this year that was a fave?  How often do you repeat it?


P.S.  My Hoosiers won big this week against #1 ranked Kentucky.  And I did wear my t-shirt to show some love.

Go IU fight. Fight. Fight.

pleated poppy

(the winner of the NYR Organics Gift Certificate is Ashlie onesmalltowngirl! Congrats!)