The Joy Dare

The Joy Dare is a hunt for 1,000 gifts in 2012. The whole earth is full of His glory, want to join me in finding bits and pieces to tuck in your heart? You can read more about it from the lovely Ann Voskamp right here.

28. Encouraging a hurting sister.

29.  Friends who pray.

30.  The just right gift of music and the chance to sing.

31.   Yellow playground right outside my door where my girls can be pirates & princesses.

32.  My husband going to the grocery for me at 9:30 PM and picking up, among other things – bananas.

33.  Sweet yellow sunshine after a day of grey.

34.  Husband upstairs sleeping close to a cranky toddler so I can really sleep downstairs for the first time in weeks.

35.  Two year old toddler I reach down to pick up.

36.  Sitting beside my girl learning to knit together.

37. A Mighty Fortress is Our God by Christy Nockels on my iPod.

38. Listening to my dear sister girlfriends talk and share across the table.

39. Chattering artists at the kitchen table.

40. The grace to say no.

41.  The grace to say yes.

42.  The grace of being honest about where you are.

43.  John 13:35

44.  H.O.P.E.

45.  “My One Thing”

46.  A happy girl after a party.

47.  A princess after a movie date with daddy.

48.  A friend who has found the smile of God.