I {heart}  connecting with women.

It is one of the reasons I started this blog.

I even wrote about it last week.

But the truth is, right now in my everyday life, I struggle with juggling schedules, four kids, and finding real time to sit across the table from other women. I have struggled with this since the birth of my youngest two years ago. This past week I managed to have a lovely lunch date with my dear friend.  She lives in my town and honestly, I have not seen her since July. I told her the truth about being weary and how I feel I have fallen short as a friend.  She smiled and gave me the sweetest grace a friend could give another.  While we were catching up she also patiently waited as I chased down my 2 year old several time.  She moved locations four times and walked around the mall with me twice to keep my toddler occupied.  She did life with me, which is not easy by any means.  I was blessed more than she knew.

One of my goals for 2012 is to be more intentional with getting face to face time with other women. I am trying to set up automatic benches, {thanks Nester for the advice} and I’ve agreed to co-host an In Real Life Meet-Up through (in)courage. I’m pretty excited about it.  See, women everywhere are gathering  (in)RL to do life together.  There will be food (of course).  There will be (in)couragement (of course) and there will be women connecting and sharing stories (of course). It is going to be beautiful.

So if you are a local, you can get all the information about our meet up here. The cost is $10 and get some really neat stuff just for signing up, which you can do here. If you live somewhere far away, like California or Indiana, you can see if a meet up is already being planned by going here (there are 272 already in the works).  And if you don’t see one in your area, why don’t you do what I’m doing and be (in)tentional with the women in your life. (in)vite them over for coffee and muffins and some face to face time April 27-28.  I know you will be so glad you did.

Want to meet my two co-hosts Emily and Susan? I’m so excited to share this time with them. And here is the heart behind the fun, from (in)courage which is a ministry of Dayspring:

Because God meets us right were we are.

And one more thing. If you have a friend like me —who has been not the best friend for a while due to craziness of life, could you do what my friend did for me?  Could you give her some grace?  Chances are she loves you like the moon and needs to know you understand and love her right back.