The Joy Dare is counting 1,000 gifts in 2012.  Take the dare?

200.  Hearing my girls play with their dolls together, giggling and telling stories.

201.  Just being in the Word.

202.  A song that reminds me “He is faithful – forever.” Wow.

203.  My daughter has passed me up in height.  For real.

204.  Really good coffee, after having really bad coffee.

205.  Encouragement from other Write It, Girls.

206.  Chocolate milkshakes every Wednesday night.

207.  For now, she loves me because I am ‘pretty’ and ‘cook good’. She is 5.

208.  Words that build up.

209.  Sun rising all yellow in the morning.

210.  Sisters teaching sisters.

211.  Hearing her sing Jesus Loves Me to her baby dolls.

212.  Listening.

213.  Home “alone” with my little on Friday morning.

214.  My daddy is still cancer free!

215.  Breakfast with lovely sisters.

216.  Date night.

217.  Dreaming.

218.  A pink and green sundress on a rainy day of worship.

219.  Naps on Sunday.

220.  How the Potter stays at the wheel, molding, & making this lump of clay.

{I am also writing over at Sisters in Bloom today, and I’d love to see you there as well.}