The true writer simply shows up. Ready to do the work. – Jeff Goins, page 21 of “The Writers Manifesto”

Today I’m showing up. I’m ready to write and I’m putting down words not because I have something to say, but because as a writer, I need to.  I can’t really explain where my heart has been lately.  I tried last week and you seemed to understand.  Thank you sweet friends for offering your words for encouragement of mine.

But when words don’t come, you have to show up anyway. For a writer, that means to put down the line and to start moving fingers on a keyboard even when you are unsure of where they are going to roam.  Will they reach deep inside?  Will they scratch the surface? I don’t know.  But words, when hidden have to be found.

Showing up says, “I’m here and I’m writing and I’m not going to give up.  Writing, words, it is what I do.  It is who I am.” I’m willing to wrestle the words out, not because I have the answers, but because I need them.  I’m willing to work out the blank page because having it stare back at me simply will not work.

I used to think I wrote to encourage. And that is partly true.  I used to think I wrote because I had something to say.  That is also somewhat true.

But I’m learning, the real reason I write, is to wrestle out the message in my own heart.

Writing makes it stickWords on the page, scribbled by my own hand plants it deep in my heart. This is my wrestling place.  This is where I put my faith in action, give it roots, and make it mine.  This page is where my heart says yes to what God is working out in it.  So to leave it blank is not an option.  Ever.


What about you?  Why do you write? How do you show up, even when you don’t feel like it? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.

{linking up with my girls today}