The Joy Dare

439. Monday morning coffee.
440. Big summer list.
441. Happy daisies.
442. Cutie girl in a fun summer hat.
443. Unlimited summer swimming.
444. Piano practice after supper.
445. Hanging with SomeGirl and her fun family.
446. God is faithful. Always.
447. Loading Bible in 90 Days on my Kindle Reader. Ready to go!
448. Seeing the beauty in the mess.
449. Blue skies and sun. Every day.
450. M&M’s. I love them.
451. Homemade salsa.
452. My coffee-on-the-go mug made by my girl.
453. Great chats with great friends.
454. A reminder, “What would you give your one life for?”
455. Orange flowers.
456. Welcome home signs.
457. The joy of my girls over books and art stuff.
458. My heart will sing no other name. Jesus.
459. Chocolate chip scones. Yum.
460. Freedom

The Joy Dare, inspired by Ann Voskamp,  is the hunt for 1,000 gifts in 2012.  Can you find three things today that bring you joy?  I’d love to hear them in the comments!