I get up.  I get dressed.  Sometimes I take a picture and I put it here on Wednesdays. And you stop by and say the sweetest things.   You see me at church and say, “Oh, I love your What I Wore.” I smile, because I like it, too.  I like it because along the way I’ve learned a few things. I like it because I’m always meeting new people.  I like it because it is super chill. And , well, there are all those sweet things you say!

Left: Vintage t-shirt (Kohls), my fave shorts like I wear them every day because it is 95 degrees (Old Navy)

Center: Red button down (Eddie Bauer), Tank (Long and Lean Target), Jeans (CAbi)

Right: (Oops there it is again!) White vintage t-shirt (ATL), Belt (ATL), Skirt (Kohls)


I know it is not a world changing type of post. I’m sure it doesn’t really matter in the grand scheme of life. But I’m really glad you are here. So please, un-lurk, say a quick hi and tell me whatcha got planned today on this fabulous Wednesday.

{Linking up with Lindsey today. You really need to check out her adorable blog. I love her house!}