Is it just me or do I look like I should be saying, “How  you doin?” (like Joey on Friends) in the middle picture? I think so.

So Happy Wednesday! We are finally unpacked from our vacation, which is a major accomplishment. I was also able to get a few pictures of What I Wore!  Aren’t you proud of me?

Left: Me in a skirt for real – black roll top (Old Navy), Grey ruffle Tank (Ann Taylor Loft), White tank (H&M).

Middle: Coral orangish top (Forever 21), White Tank (same), Jeans (Cabi)

Right: Brownish oatmeal (?) tank (Kohls), Jean Shorts (Old Navy).

This week I really tried to mix up my clothes and wear stuff differently. I think this is harder in the summer because it is too hot to layer much. My goal, is to collect pretty little t-shirts and tanks that have fun details on them, like the two above.

So….how you doin? Really?  Love to hear!

Linking up here:

pleated poppy