“To be wrecked requires a moment.” – Jeff Goins
From Jeff’s website:
“If you order the book the week it releases (Aug 1–4), I’ll send you six exclusive gifts valued at over $158:
- Electronic versions of the book (a $31.47 collection).
- Advance download of the unabridged audiobook (a $29.99 value).
- The 10-week “action guide” for group or individual study (an exclusive guide valued at $12.99).
- Complimentary copy of my latest eBook, You Are a Writer in all formats (a $14.97 value).
- Free download of my hour-long audio program, The Writer’s Studio, plus a companion worksheet (a $19.98 value).
- 50% off my upcoming online writing course, Tribe Writers (a value of $49.50).
Don’t miss this! All you have to do is buy the book before Aug. 5, scan the receipt, and email it to wrecked@goinswriter.com. Once we confirm your receipt and contact info, you’ll be given immediate access to the free gifts. If you have questions, check out the FAQ.
You can get the book at *Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books a Million, Christian Book Distributors, Parable, and other book stores.”

*affiliate links included
Question: Tell me about a moment that Wrecked you for good?
Love your video girl! There’s just something about hearing a real voice. If you are a mom of 4 — you are wrecked friend. Wrecked for that sweet family. If you ever want to share over at my blog, I’d love it. blessings
Hi Stacey! Thanks for the video about WRECKED. There’s been so much talk about this book–it was nice to get a glimpse of someone who’s read it and been impacted by it. I loved seeing your face and hearing your voice, by the way!
It’s absolutely true that we can be wrecked by different things at different stages of life. Just a couple of weeks ago I was slammed while participating in worship in our little church. I had just returned from Rome, where I visited some of the world’s largest and most beautiful church buildings. I came home to worship in a school gym–and I was amazed at the way the people of God in that ugly school gym presented a more beautiful picture than even the most elaborate building in Rome. It’s easy to grow a bit weary in church leadership, but this moment of seeing my church family worshiping together just wrecked me! I think maybe God wants us to keep our hearts vulnerable all along the way.
Have a great day, Stacey!
I love that picture Richella of worship – He dwells there in the midst of His people whether we are in Roman cathedrals or high school gyms. His presence undoes us. I’m so grateful!
So glad that you posted this today. I just downloaded it to my Nook. Excited to read it!
I think this is a perfect book for you to read as you start you school year friend! Let me know what you think!
totally getting it!! thanks stacey! don’t think i would’ve if i hadn’t listened to your video … your review spoke straight into my heart based on something else that was recently revealed to me. oh how He works in mysterious ways!
{love your sweet voice} 🙂
I love when He does that. Can’t wait to hear more friend.
You have to read my ‘story’ on my blog. It is in a pending status on his site so it should be on there in the future. (August)
My blog url is listed above. Hopefully you can click into it.
There are other stories but this is definately the most powerful.