Summer waves goodbye and we say hello to more purpose driven days. As we sharpen #2 pencils and rush to ballet class, I wonder how in the world I’m going to get it all done.  But then, I am reminded that He is Lord of it all and the craziness is evidence that we live crazy blessed. How can I complain about that?  Why not just turn it into my own personal praise song?

The Joy Dare is searching for 1,000 gifts in 2012…

694. Church at home.

695. Getting to sing with friends.

696. Bread day.

697. Cambridge School of Ballet and how it blesses my girls.

698. Voting.

699. Waiting for the rain to stop with my ballerina girl.

700.  Realizing how healthy my girls really are while filling out doctor forms.

701. Pretzel M&M’s. (which I’ve probably mentioned before)

702. 1st day of school.

703. Doughnut traditions.

704. 7th grade.

705. 4th grade.

706. 1st grade.

707. A toddler who thinks she is in all 3 grades, too.

708. My girl is feeling tons better.

709. “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor 12:9

710. My daddy is Cancer Free!

711.  My parents celebrating 47 years of marriage.

712. Hot water.

713. Moving forward with Hope.

714. Discovering how much I love 2 Corinthians.

715. My life is now hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3:3

716. Final week of Bible in 90 Days…I can’t believe it!

You all have been so sweet to pray for my family and my dad during his journey this year with cancer.  Can I tell you that this week I wanted to list all 21 gifts as “My daddy is cancer free”! We are so grateful that God in His mercy has healed my dad for now.  We know this is still a long road, and we return in a few weeks for more scans and checks and discuss day sahead.  But this week he played golf. And this week he ate normal for the first time in months and I just want you to know—how blessed we are by this grace. And you, thank  you from the very bottom of my heart for whispering his name before the Father.