The posture of the heart that God loves the most is gratefulness – Christy Knockels

761. Sneak peeks of “Hope”.
762. A reminder to dream big.
763. Seeing old friends.
764. Dinner with my best friend.
765. Babysitters who love on my girls.
766. Worshipping with worship leaders.
767. Finding a song to sing every day.
768. 5 pairs of flip flops on Friday.
769. Edits are finished!  Woot!
770. Home on Saturday.
771. The Word of God that does not leave me unchanged.
772. How God can use even a weary mom.
773. Saturday night movie.
774. Good coffee.
775. Friends who love Tozer.
776. Mamas with their babies.
777. Jesus, is a friend of sinners.
778. 2 year old bare feet.
779. Pool parties.
780. Hearts that stay connected over time and miles.
781.  What 25 years ago looked like.
782. His plans for me are good.

The Joy Dare is searching for 1,000 things to be grateful for in 2012.