. . . more hope!

(We call her Anne, as in Green Gables. Don’t you love her?)

The New Hope for the Weary Mom, expanded edition will be released October 2012.

Expanded as in 28,000 words. Like a full length hold in your hand book.

You can have Hope delivered straight to your Kindle reader or order a print copy through Create Space.

Did I mention you can do that NEXT month?

Yeah, I’m pretty excited.

“The point of Hope for the Weary Mom is to help mamas point their eyes and hearts to Christ. Because as much as we sometimes want God to remove us from our messes, more often He just gets in it with us—lifting our heads, giving us strength, helping us put one foot in front of the other as we slosh our way through it.” Brooke McGlothlin

My co-author Brooke is awesome. She says so many amazing things in this book that I want you to get it just to read her heart on the page. I’m honored she let’s me write with her!

So, you know me, and I’m going to ask you to add this to your prayer list. Just ask God to bless and use it as He sees fit. I’d love to see every weary mama light up with hope. Wouldn’t you? And if you want to do more, you can help spread the word by sharing it on your favorite social media sites:

What is better than hope? —> click to tweet this!

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Or pin the cover on Pinterest to tell your friends more Hope is coming October 2012!

Just talk it up! Spread the word! Do your thing!

Know that I am crazy blessed by you and your sweet support.



P.S. The cover was designed by my husband Mike, isn’t it perfect?