(I took this photo of a gorgeous Dayspring Canvas called “Hope”. *Find it here.)

This week was crazy. I was trying to get caught up on my mommy duties since being gone for a conference last weekend and on Tuesday my husband had minor surgery. Thankfully, it went well, although recovery has been tough. I’ve had every drop off and pick up of my girls since and trying to squeeze in school and helping to nurse my husband back to health. I’ve felt stretched to the core. But, one evening I sent the girls out to play and watched as all four took off across the grass to the play ground. They were running with pure joy and the sun was setting and it was beautiful.  My heart grabbed the moment, because I’ve been counting for so long it is starting to become a habit. In the midst of crazy, there are gifts to be counted. They are the breath of the Lord on my cheek. He is helping me to remember  He is with me and will never ever leave me alone.

The Joy Dare – 1,000 Gifts in 2012

932. Chili & pumpkin muffins on an unusually cool Florida Fall night.
933. My husband’s surgery went well.
934. Grace for “single” mommying it while husband recovers.
935. A sweet time for my girls on Wednesday night at church instead of doing the normal Trick or Treat thing.
936. Recording Christmas music in October.
937. Ipad school. Yeah for technology.
938. My dad’s check up went great, back in February! All praise to Jesus.
939. Pink sunsets.
940. Popcorn and M&M’s.
942. Friday night movie night with my girls.
943. Catching up with a friend.
944. How God is leading moms to Hope. Breathtaking.
945. God’s Word that richly dwells. Colossians 3:16
946. A fun opportunity to write.
947. Remembering Jesus gives me strength.
948. A card that made me smile because we get the joke, even when no one else does.
949. My citizenship is in heaven.
950. He is Lord, He has risen from the dead and He is Lord.
951. Seeing gratitude spreading on Facebook. It just makes my heart sing.

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