Hello Wednesday. Hello friends. Did you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family and friends? We stayed put, and I put turkey on the table along with some sides and my favorite, pumpkin pie. Like last year, ย I did not have to share the pie with anyone at the table. I would have shared, gladly. But since they did not want it, I did what any sensible person would do: I put Cool Whip on that pie and ate it from the pie plate with a fork. I promise, I only ate half the pie. It was so good!

I hit the mall with my friend Tiffany on Friday. We have this shopping thing figured out. We go super early (not 2 AM early that is crazy) and we leave when everyone else gets there around noon. We finished up with lunch at Panera. Black Friday is really about girl time. I don’t worry about getting great deals. However, I did managed to score some black skinny jeans and a denim shirt shirt. I may have stood in a ridiculous line at the Disney store for $8 PJ’s. Oh yeah, I did that.

So when I was not cooking, eating pie or shopping I was putting up the tree. This year ย it took me 3 days. Here is what I wore while I was doing all these Thanksgivingish things:

Left: Red button up (Eddie Bauer), White tank (love it from H&M), Jeans (Edie Bauer)

Center: Vintage Red IU T-shirt (campus store), Denim shirt (American Eagle), Jeans (Gap)

Right: Denim shirt (same) White tank (Old Navy), Skirt (Kohls)


Funny: I must be homesick this time of year, because I looked at my WIWW post from one year ago and there is that same IU shirt. I do miss Thanksgiving with my big family most of all.

So what did you do? Did you eat half a pie? Did you shop?

Talk to me.



{Linking up with Lindsey today}