My heart can’t take it. I think you must feel the same way. I’ve read your posts on Facebook. I’ve seen the tweets. I know we are all wondering around in a fog today and asking, “What can I do?”

See, as moms we want to do something. We want to make everything better. We long to be able to control our small world and the larger one that looms outside our door. But the truth is, we are dreadfully not in control.

But thankfully, we know the One who is.

Yesterday, I had the chance to interview with our local news station about my response to the bloodshed in Newton, CT. They wanted to know what I was doing, as a mom. The amazing thing was that because of “Hope for the Weary Mom,” and specifically Tracey Lane’s Story (Chapter 9), I had the chance to point moms to the only source of Hope, Jesus.

“Hope is not a wish or a sprinkle of magical fairy dust. Hope is a Person. Jesus.”

I am so grateful to Tracey for sharing her story. I know God had it tucked quietly in our book for a reason. He goes before us, doesn’t He?

So if you are like me and you are wondering what you can do as a mom, today here are a couple of suggestions:

  1. Pray:  For the families who lost loved ones, for a community in mourning, and a country shell shocked out of its sleeping. Do you struggle like I do with WHAT to pray?  Might I suggest pouring over Psalm 91 and praying it back to the Lord? This is where I have camped out friends.
  2. Talk and Edit: Your kids probably don’t need to know everything. But, chances are they have seen and heard something. My oldest saw it on Instagram of all places.  Answer their questions. Listen to their concerns. Point them to Jesus and remember the last thing He said was, “I am with you, even to the end of the age” {Matthew 28:20 NLT}.
  3. Build Now: For those of us who stand at a distance to this horrific event we can learn from it. We can make sure we have a foundation to fall back on. One of the things we learned from Tracey was:

“Build your house on the rock of God’s Word, the truth of who His Son is and what He did now. Don’t wait until tomorrow to get to know the God who loved you enough to send His only Son to die for your sins. And don’t be content with just believing the basic tenants of the Christian faith. Build.”

In her words, “I can’t even imagine not having God to carry me through this.” P 62.

One more thing you can do, is share Hope today. We are offering Tracey’s chapter for free. Just click here for the download. Then share the link. Tweet it. Post it to your FB wall. Pin it.

Let’s grab hands. Let’s cling to hope. Let’s turn our eyes on Him and look full in His wonderful face.

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim.