I had a quick conversation with my friend Brianne Sunday about her super cute jeans. She told me she found this article on Pinterest and it changed her life. Well, maybe not her life but she did discover she was wearing the WRONG jeans. Apparently, lots of other people already know this because there are over 1,000 comments on this post. Shock and disbelief…I’ve been wearing the wrong jeans, too. Not only are they the wrong jeans, they are commonly known as “The Gateway to Mom Jeans.”

This is all very disconcerting. How come I am the last to know? Now that I do, I’m obsessed with looking at my jeans and my {ahem} back side. The truth is sisters, I’ve been clueless. Anyway, what is a curvy and short girl to do? ย I’m going to be thinking it over.

Meanwhile here is what I wore this week Gateway Mom Jeans and all:


Left: I wore this on Valentines Day and met my husband for a lunch date!

Cardigan: Loft
Red Top: Kohls
Jeans: American Eagle Skinnies

Center: For church on Sunday it was down right crazy cold here in Central Florida – so I experimented with a jacket over a cardigan. I will not be able to wear this again for a year since it was 79 degrees today. Oh, well, it was warm!

Jacket: Loft
Cardigan: Loft
Pants: Yesโ€”Loft

Right: I wore this on plain old Tuesday to teach and run my girls to ballet. I’ve been wanting to try the stripes under the short sleeved cardigan for a while now. I finally got brave enough to try it.

Cardigan: Loft
Striped T-shirt: CAbi
Jeans: Lucky Brand (Sophia)


What did you wear?

{linking up with Lindsey}