
This weekend I’m going to spend every spare minute reading no less than 4 different books. Some of them are new, hot of the presses, not yet released beauties. Others have lived on my Kindle reader for weeks because I simply have not had the time to read. I need a large dose of slow time when I can read words that grip my heart and challenge me to become who God wants me to be.  Maybe you want to read with me?

You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream by Holley Gerth

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Do you have dream burning in you heart but you have no idea how to share it with the world? Holley does and she will walk with you hand in hand and cheer you on! I am part of the launch team for this book and the group of women God has brought together is amazing and rocking their dreams! Why don’t you gather a group of friends and plan now to read this book together? It would be so fun! Pre-order this book here!

Anything by Jennie Allen

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I talked about this book here and I have not been able to pick it up since. I’m still thinking about it because her words went straight to my people approving ways. If you are ready to go there…we can be undone together.

To Walk or Stay by Lara G. Williams

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I am pre-viewing this new book written by my sweet friend Lara. This is her story of how God did a work in her marriage—but first her heart during a trial that would have crushed most of us. Her words are real and weighty in a good, good, way. In short, it is moving my heart big time. It will be released next month, but you can pre-order it on Amazon.

31 Days of Forgiveness by Traci Stier-Johnson

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I followed Tracie’s 31 day series last October and it was powerful. Her newly released e-book has all 31 days plus bonus content. You will find yourself sitting in heaps of grace as you read. Tracie’s words will gently draw you and your heart towards the forgiveness we claim and the forgiveness we ourselves must extend to be like Jesus. Plus she is giving all proceeds from the sale of the book to the Seed Company for Bible translation. I love that. Might I also say, Tracie is my dear friend and one of the brave girls. She inspires my heart every day. 


So, what are you reading? I hope whatever book you are curled up with this weekend encourages and moves your heart.



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