Screen shot 2013-03-24 at 11.21.34 PMI am so excited to tell you that this Thursday, March 27 at 3PM CST ( 4PM for my EST friends) “Hope for the Weary Mom” will be on Living Inspired Radio with Tricia Goyer.  We will be talking about our book, finding hope in the middle of our messy lives, and possibly even sharing some fun things coming up in the days ahead.

If by chance you can’t listen to the live show—no worries, you can listen to it later as a podcast! You can find out all the details right here. By the way, Tricia has been so gracious to us. We love her and thank the Lord He brought her our way! She is the best!

Remember last month when Brooke came to town and I told you we were working on a top secret video? Well, just in case you missed it, here it is!  I call it “Hope with Heart“. My sweet friend Erin did the whole thing, and she is super-awesome-cool.


Well, what do you think?
Do you love it? I kinda do.
Remember, Thursday is our live chat.
Want to hang out with us?
Please say, “Yes!”
