Summer is like a welcome house guest at our  place. She comes with a cute tote bag filled with all sorts of lazy and camp fun. I want her to stay for more than 12 weeks but she insists that I would tire of her. I would argue, but I thinks she is probably right. Plus, it is very rude to argue with your imaginary house guest.

When other people are trying to figure out what they will so all summer with their kids being out of school, I love the fact that I get to just be mommy and not teacher for more than a few days. I love that my mind has a chance to dream and catch its breath. I love trips to get ice cream, reading books in bed until far too late, and lingering in our PJ’s until we walk to the pool.

HOWEVER, once summer walks in the door, much of my regular plans go out the window. Which is why my writing has been sporadic and What I Wore has mostly happened every other week. I’m guessing though, that since summer has come to visit your house as well, you are really ok with it.

Sooo, here is What I Wore at some point this lazy summer…




I really can’t decide if I like this tank or hate it. I like the idea of the polka dots, but I’m not sure they work for me. Anyway, I wear it and sometimes take it off and put something else on. I THINK I wore this to a grad party.

Cardigan: Nordstom Rack

Tank: Loft

Jeans: Lucky Brand

Belt: American Eagle

Shoes: Loft




It is summer and no I have not found another pair of shorts yet. These girls are holding up but now I think I need to get two pairs instead of just one. Still, this is regular mommy fare for life at our house and for 10 trips to the grocery store each week.

Shirt: Loft

Shorts: Old Navy

Shoes: Target



I have decided that I look WAY better in darker colors. I mean really, can I wear red and black every day without seeming like I am wearing red and black every day. This shirt is one I’ve had for awhile and not been a huge fan of the pleats. But a few Sundays ago, I put on my jeans and Toms with it and voila! I love it. Probably because it is red. Not the pleats so much.

Top: Loft

Jeans: Lucky Brand

Shoes: Toms

Necklace: Redeemed by Dayspring



This was the picture that made me run to the store to buy hair color. That and my husband said, “Hey honey, are you going to color your hair tonight?” Bless his heart. He is awesome.

Cardigan: Nordstrom Rack

Shirt: TJ Maxx

Jeans: Lucky Brand

Sandals: Target

Necklace: Redeemed by Dayspring


All for now.

How is your summer treating you?



{hanging out with Lindsey and the other WIWW girls today.}