
1.  God’s word was written to give us instruction and hope.

This may not seem like a big deal, because really in the back of my mind I should know this. I do know this. But what I learned this month while preparing for a talk I gave at She Speaks is it is written in black and white in Romans 15:4

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” ESV

How awesome is that?

2.  The best part about “Sharknado” is the live tweets.

So, I suppose the fact I learned this in July would signal I watched this epic film about a tornado filled with sharks that terrorizes L.A. But, whatever.

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Whew, I guess I learned this too. Bombs will destroy Sharknado. You just never know when this vital information will come in handy friends.

3. The best 4th of July fireworks are at Disney’s Magic Kingdom.

I also learned it is worth it to take your kids along with 1 million other people to the park to see the fireworks when it would have been easier to sit in our drive way and dance around with sparklers. Sometimes memory making is inconvenient, hot and crowded. But, it is always worth it.

4.  The #1 fear of  most people is also my #1 fear.

No, the #1 fear of most people is not Sharkado. Although, maybe it should be. The #1 fear for most people is “Public Speaking”. This past week I gave a 5 minute talk to a room of 12 women for critique at a conference called “She Speaks” . I spent the entire conference terrified of a mere 300 seconds. I planned on ditching the critique. I prayed I would lose my voice. I tried to sneak over to the writers track instead. But with my husband’s holy push, and my 13 year olds encouragement, I did it.

5. Bonus lesson learned:

“All things are possible if you believe.”  Mark 9:23 is 100% true.

I did not throw up on my group leader or the girls sitting on the front row. I was able to share my passion to teach God’s Word and one comment I received made the whole terrifying experience worth it: “You are a Bible teacher.” 

I’m guessing God is not finished with me yet in this area.



So, what did you learn in July? I’d love to hear!

{linking up with Emily today. She was also at She Speaks and gave 2 for real talks with like 100’s of women. She also did not throw up.}

