It’s official. I have turned into my mom. I have all these things I’ve been meaning to tell you but I keep forgetting. She knows this about herself, and believe me, it was inevitable that I would follow in her footsteps. We usually end our phone conversations with, “I know there was something I was going to tell you…”

Here are a few things I actually remembered this morning to tell you:

1. How to Control Your Emotions So They Don’t Control You: By Brooke McGlothlin

Can you relate to this?


Umm, yes, I can totally relate. If you can too, just go grab this ebook. Here is what I said about it officially:

“I love how Brooke bravely shows us the place she has struggled and found victory through the application of Truth. I am grateful for her transparency. In How to Control Your Emotions So They Don’t Control You, she uses practical tools I can easily apply to my own life. This is a timely message and I’m grateful.”
— Stacey Thacker, Mothers of Daughters Editor, author of Being OK With Where You Are

This is practical. Truth filled. And timely in my life. For real. I know it will bless your heart and home. Get it here for only $3.99.

2. Are you a thrifty online shopper?

Cents of Style has these crazy Fashion Friday Deals. I’m loving this one for today:


Girls. Today only =  Fashion Friday- 9/20/13- Boots & Scarf- $32.95 & FREE SHIPPING.

Boots, + Scarf for $32.95 and free shipping.

You choose the colors.

You look awesome!

(Cents of Style is a new affiliate link for me. FYI: If  you click and shop through here & I get a little compensation).

3. Is it Fall Where You Are? 

My friends Denise and Lori have a lovely new guide to get your ready! It is packed with ideas and Fall Goodness.


So grab a Pumpkin Spiced Latte and dig into this inspiration. You can find it here (amazon affiliate link) 

4. Thank you for a lovely book launch!


Judy sent me this picture. She is starting a Bible Study at work with Being OK with Where You Are. I have written and guest posted in many places over the past couple of weeks and met the most amazing people. Many of you have written about the book. And this girl is a bit overwhelmed by it all. So thank you for being so supportive and sharing the book with your people. I’m praying God is meeting you inside the pages.


Have an amazing weekend.



P.S. Since I know I missed something, I’ll add this Mash-Up as a regular series!