
I keep reading the words of John 1:16 written on the memo board in my kitchen and He in turn asks me:

What is better than grace upon grace?

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and  truth. – John 1:14, ESV

Jesus is full of grace and truth. And  it is from His fulness, not my need, I receive grace upon grace.

  • it is gift after gift (The Message)
  • beyond our imagination (The Voice)
  • grace in place of grace (ESV, Notes)

When grace overflows, there is more to come.
And it just keeps coming.

My Grace List for this week:

2043. Google hangouts.

2044. Full belly laughter.

2045. Peace that surpasses all understanding.

2046.  He unveils our eyes.

2047. The transforming power of worship.

2048. Rainy writing days.

2949. Wrestling words that finally surrender.

2050. Come and see friends who celebrate with you.

2051. Sea Salt popcorn with Dark Chocolate M&Ms

2052. The Gospel.

2053. Friends who read rough words and overlook the rough part.

2054. When God’s plan isn’t obvious, He is near.

2055. “We win in the end”

2056.  Building deep relationships with my girls.

2057.  Reading lessons are paying off!

2058.  How getting your hair done is mini-vacation.

2059.  Sunday morning conversations with sweet sisters in Christ.

2060.  He is our rescue.

2061.  My husband’s crazy amazing photography skills.

2062.  Italian sausage tortellini soup.

2063.  Notes of encouragement from people who really go the extra mile.

