woman enjoying summertime;woman with open arms in green field

From Chapter 10 {Worship Anyway}

“I  have this theory. When we are not ok with where we are we feel it so deep down in our bones it colors everything we do. We set up shop in a place called Pity Party loving our own misery a little too much. We like our safe, sad place. But the Lord wants so much more for us. He loves us too much to leave us there:

“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”  C.S. LewisThe Weight of Glory, and Other Addresses

Have you been making mud pies lately, too? Are you fooling around with all the wrong things to try and make it all better? For me, those wrong things look more like shopping or a bag of M&M’s, preferably at the same time. Still, I sit in the slum willingly ,crafting my own perfect mud pie, and watch the cruise ship of infinite joy float by. I can’t imagine I have a ticket to ride.

But I do. And stamped on the ticket is one word: Worship.

“Without worship we go about miserable; that’s why we have all the troubles we have.” A.W. Tozer

I think Tozer is spot on. We are miserable because in our discontentment we have lost our desire to worship. We feel forgotten and our souls are cast downward. We have believed the lie worship is reserved for all those other girls who are loving life and telling everyone about it. The problem with this line of thinking is we make worship about how we are feeling, and quite frankly that is not at all what worship is about.

I know you may not totally OK with where you are. You aren’t required to be to worship. You may feel like the night is going to last forever, but I promise you the joy of the morning is coming for you. His grace is going to outlive your life. And on the days when you wish you could trade yours for another, go ahead and pour out your heart. Dear girl, He hears it as a praise song. Do you believe it?

The thing about worship is it moves us and transforms us. It may well be the key to seeing everything in our life as stepping stones to getting us right were He wants us:

Hearts open.

Eyes on Him.

Hands to heaven.

Ready and willing to do His will.

We worship.”


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