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From my notes this week:

“There is a war going on in my body. I want to walk with Jesus, I really do. But times when weary rises up and I believe the lies that I must do everything in my own strength there is a rebel that takes over.

  • I complain.
  • I yell.
  • I play the martyr.
  • I feel sorry for myself.

Then, I feel guilty and the guilt accuses me over and over again.

The answer is in him of course. Instead of this I need to:

* Recognize the war
* Renew my mind
* Refocus through praise

This is the way — this is why I spend time each day in the Word. Not because I have to, some silly rule. But I need to.”

Action Point: I’m going to get back to memorizing Scripture and I’m starting with Psalm 1. Care to join me?

Grab the study here.

Awesome Study Tools from Katie: Go here.