So today I hit “send” on the Fresh Out of Amazing manuscript! And in so many ways it felt like this:


But also, it felt super scary as well. Friends, this book writing business has been a blessing. I am so very grateful. I think going into this project I assumed that most of my stories had already taken place. But, God is his perfect merciful wisdom gave me the chance to write raw and honest this summer. I feel like I’ve run a marathon of words.

[callout]”If God has called you to something you will need friends to help you be brave and do it.” – Shauna Niequist [/callout]

Thank you for helping me be brave! I absolutely owe you the biggest cup of coffee ever! Seriously, I could not have done it without you!

FOA girl walking.009

Fresh Out of Amazing is my come out of hiding story. I don’t want to conceal my wounds anymore.

I’m inviting the light of the Gospel of Jesus into this place once and for all.

I’m praying this message lights the way for others so they can come out of hiding too.

I am finally at a place in my life where I want to shout from the rooftops,

“If you see anything in me that looks like a hint of amazing it is all Jesus. From beginning to end he is the only one who is amazing.”

Coming Soon!

