What I Wore

Happy Wednesday! I thought it would be fun to class up What I Wore with a little style advice from Audrey… [callout]”My look is attainable. Women can look like Audrey Hepburn by flipping out their hair, buying the large sunglasses, and the little...

What I Wore

Happy Wednesday friends! I hope you are skipping into September and it is going to be kind to you! Yay for cooler temperatures and the coming fall! I think boot season is just around the corner! Here is what I wore recently! I’m only going to give the highlights...

What I Wore

Now that school has started around here, Wednesday is coming with unbelievable regularity. Or at least I’m more aware it is coming! I remain committed to What I Wore but some days it might be 11:00 AM before I get it posted. But, technically it is Wednesday, so...

What I Wore – Basic Black Edition

Hello friends! August snuck up on me, did it for you too? I feel like once July is 3/4 finished, August launches  itself out of the gate like a speeding bullet. I have been preparing for our school year (which starts today) and writing, writing, writing my new book...

What I Wore

Hey there Wednesday friends! Today is the day we talk about something we all do every day and I don’t mean drinking coffee! We get up and we get dressed. Some days are fancier than others, but we do get dressed unless we are on a beach vacation and in which case...