Hello.  My name is Stacey and I am a seasoned indirect communicator.  I say things like this to my kids:

“It would be really great if you would clean your room.”

I hear myself saying this and know that they hear “suggestion” not “instruction.”  It is not hard to understand that 9 times out of 10 they don’t follow through.  As much as I try, my daily speak is very indirect.  Unless, I get angry.  And well, that is for another confession post.

So, when I realized that time was marching onward and my (then) almost 9 year old daughter needed some instructions on puberty, purity and life in general I did what every mom does: I completely freaked out.

After my meltdown, I did the next thing every mom like me does.  I grabbed my dear friend and made her promise to go with me to hear a speaker named Julie Hiramine, of Generations of VirtueShe actually had a seminar prepared just for me. There were hundreds of other moms there, but make no mistake, it was just for me.  She promised in this one hour seminar to tell you exactly what to say and when to say it to your daughter about the above said subjects.  She even had books that you could buy and use when you were talking at just the right time to your daughter about said subjects.  She has 5 girls.  And I love her.

Since that day, I have for the most part followed Julie’s advice.  And I have to tell you, it has not been nearly as hard as I thought it would be.  She really makes it easy for you to be brave. I think my daughter is not really aware that I am still freaking out on the inside as I’m telling her about the coming wave of womanhood.  That, for sure has been the grace of the Lord.  My hope and prayer is that I can be her go to person for all her questions.  I know, that it is possible and probable that she will go to her friends for advice someday.   But I want to always be her first source.  I am so blessed to be able to do that for her.

Now, go visit Julie and check out her amazing website.  Go be brave.  I’ll be cheering you on!

And be sure to join other MODsquad moms over at the blog today as they link up and share how they are being brave!