
Are a mom of a freshman in high school this year? Me, too. The more I think about it them more weepy I get. But, even though I would like to push the pause button, I know deep down inside I can’t. It helps that my daughter is ready and completely cool with her new school and work load. I also love that I have friends who are also doing this for the first time. My friend Kristen and I made a video about this new phase of mothering our kids who really aren’t kids anymore!

Check it out…

So tell us…

  • What fears do you have about your kids starting high school?
  • How are you staying connected with them during this new transition?
  • What resources do you love for being the best mom you can of teens?

Oh, and if you have boys like Kristen you can connect with her at her lovely blog (one of my faves!) Just click here.

You can find the resource Kristen mentioned right here.

Also, the same resource for Mothers of Daughters is here.

